Solutions - Problem 7ΒΆ

Get revenue for each date using orders which are either COMPLETE or CLOSED.

  • Read data from orders and filter for COMPLETE or CLOSED.

  • Read data from order_items

  • Join orders and order_items using order_id

  • Group data by order_date and get revenue for each day.

  • Sort the data using order_date.

Let us start spark context for this Notebook so that we can execute the code provided. You can sign up for our 10 node state of the art cluster/labs to learn Spark SQL using our unique integrated LMS.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

import getpass
username = getpass.getuser()

spark = SparkSession. \
    builder. \
    config('spark.ui.port', '0'). \
    config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", f"/user/{username}/warehouse"). \
    enableHiveSupport(). \
    appName(f'{username} | Python - Joining Data Sets'). \
    master('yarn'). \

If you are going to use CLIs, you can use Spark SQL using one of the 3 approaches.

Using Spark SQL

spark2-sql \
    --master yarn \
    --conf spark.ui.port=0 \
    --conf spark.sql.warehouse.dir=/user/${USER}/warehouse

Using Scala

spark2-shell \
    --master yarn \
    --conf spark.ui.port=0 \
    --conf spark.sql.warehouse.dir=/user/${USER}/warehouse

Using Pyspark

pyspark2 \
    --master yarn \
    --conf spark.ui.port=0 \
    --conf spark.sql.warehouse.dir=/user/${USER}/warehouse
spark.conf.set('spark.sql.shuffle.partitions', '2')
orders ='/public/retail_db_json/orders')
|order_customer_id|          order_date|order_id|   order_status|
|            11599|2013-07-25 00:00:...|       1|         CLOSED|
|              256|2013-07-25 00:00:...|       2|PENDING_PAYMENT|
|            12111|2013-07-25 00:00:...|       3|       COMPLETE|
|             8827|2013-07-25 00:00:...|       4|         CLOSED|
|            11318|2013-07-25 00:00:...|       5|       COMPLETE|
|             7130|2013-07-25 00:00:...|       6|       COMPLETE|
|             4530|2013-07-25 00:00:...|       7|       COMPLETE|
|             2911|2013-07-25 00:00:...|       8|     PROCESSING|
|             5657|2013-07-25 00:00:...|       9|PENDING_PAYMENT|
|             5648|2013-07-25 00:00:...|      10|PENDING_PAYMENT|
|              918|2013-07-25 00:00:...|      11| PAYMENT_REVIEW|
|             1837|2013-07-25 00:00:...|      12|         CLOSED|
|             9149|2013-07-25 00:00:...|      13|PENDING_PAYMENT|
|             9842|2013-07-25 00:00:...|      14|     PROCESSING|
|             2568|2013-07-25 00:00:...|      15|       COMPLETE|
|             7276|2013-07-25 00:00:...|      16|PENDING_PAYMENT|
|             2667|2013-07-25 00:00:...|      17|       COMPLETE|
|             1205|2013-07-25 00:00:...|      18|         CLOSED|
|             9488|2013-07-25 00:00:...|      19|PENDING_PAYMENT|
|             9198|2013-07-25 00:00:...|      20|     PROCESSING|
only showing top 20 rows
orders_filtered = orders. \
    filter("order_status IN ('COMPLETE', 'CLOSED')")
order_items ='/public/retail_db_json/order_items')
|            1|                  1|                  957|                  299.98|                  1|             299.98|
|            2|                  2|                 1073|                  199.99|                  1|             199.99|
|            3|                  2|                  502|                    50.0|                  5|              250.0|
|            4|                  2|                  403|                  129.99|                  1|             129.99|
|            5|                  4|                  897|                   24.99|                  2|              49.98|
|            6|                  4|                  365|                   59.99|                  5|             299.95|
|            7|                  4|                  502|                    50.0|                  3|              150.0|
|            8|                  4|                 1014|                   49.98|                  4|             199.92|
|            9|                  5|                  957|                  299.98|                  1|             299.98|
|           10|                  5|                  365|                   59.99|                  5|             299.95|
|           11|                  5|                 1014|                   49.98|                  2|              99.96|
|           12|                  5|                  957|                  299.98|                  1|             299.98|
|           13|                  5|                  403|                  129.99|                  1|             129.99|
|           14|                  7|                 1073|                  199.99|                  1|             199.99|
|           15|                  7|                  957|                  299.98|                  1|             299.98|
|           16|                  7|                  926|                   15.99|                  5|              79.95|
|           17|                  8|                  365|                   59.99|                  3|             179.97|
|           18|                  8|                  365|                   59.99|                  5|             299.95|
|           19|                  8|                 1014|                   49.98|                  4|             199.92|
|           20|                  8|                  502|                    50.0|                  1|               50.0|
only showing top 20 rows
orders_join = orders_filtered. \
    join(order_items, orders_filtered.order_id == order_items.order_item_order_id)
from pyspark.sql.functions import sum, round
revenue_daily = orders_join. \
    groupBy('order_date'). \
    agg(round(sum('order_item_subtotal'), 2).alias('revenue')). \
|          order_date| revenue|
|2013-07-25 00:00:...|31547.23|
|2013-07-26 00:00:...|54713.23|
|2013-07-27 00:00:...|48411.48|
|2013-07-28 00:00:...|35672.03|
|2013-07-29 00:00:...| 54579.7|
|2013-07-30 00:00:...|49329.29|
|2013-07-31 00:00:...|59212.49|
|2013-08-01 00:00:...|49160.08|
|2013-08-02 00:00:...|50688.58|
|2013-08-03 00:00:...|43416.74|
|2013-08-04 00:00:...|35093.01|
|2013-08-05 00:00:...|34025.27|
|2013-08-06 00:00:...|57843.89|
|2013-08-07 00:00:...|45525.59|
|2013-08-08 00:00:...|33549.47|
|2013-08-09 00:00:...|29225.16|
|2013-08-10 00:00:...|46435.04|
|2013-08-11 00:00:...| 31155.5|
|2013-08-12 00:00:...|59014.74|
|2013-08-13 00:00:...|17956.88|
only showing top 20 rows